Intro to USACO

Class Schedule: 12 classes from 6/11 - 8/27 on Sundays 4-5 PM EST

Description and Goals: This course is intended to build off and develop students’ proficiency in constructing and implementing algorithms. The course material taught is also designed to prepare students for success in USACO, and more specifically, the Bronze and Silver divisions. The course will cover the majority of algorithms required to advance past the Silver division, from basic recursion and binary search to more advanced graph and greedy algorithms. The course will cover problems over a range of difficulty, compiled from a variety of programming competitions, and will help students at varying levels to improve their test scores.

Prereqs: Basic background of competition computer science and math: basic ability to code in a programming language (C++, Java, Python), solid grasp of Algebra I and logarithms.

Course Syllabus: For an outline of content covered during the course, please see our course syllabus: CS Syllabus

Aarush Gupta

- MIT Class of 2026; majoring in Physics and CS, minor in Math
- USA IOAA Team 2021, Gold Medal
- USAPhO 2x Semifinalist, Honorable Mention
- Science Olympiad National Tournament Qualifier and 2x Medalist
- 20+ Science Olympiad medals at invitational tournaments held by MIT, Princeton, Yale, UPenn, Cornell, etc.
- USACO Silver

Orion Foo

- MIT Class of 2026; majoring in Math + CS and Physics
- USA IOAA Team 2022 (Bronze) and 2021 (Bronze)
- 2020 Physics Unlimited Premier Competition Bronze Medalist
- 2022 Regeneron STS Semifinalist
- 2022 ISEF Finalist Grand Award 3rd Place (Physics and Astronomy)
- USACO Gold
- American Computer Science League 3x Finalist

Theo Jiang

- MIT Class of 2026; majoring in Bioengineering and CS
- 2022 Regeneron STS Finalist
- 2021 Microsoft Imagine Cup World Finalist
- 2022 ISEF Finalist Grand Award 3rd Place (Computational Biology)
- 2021 Conrad Spirit of Innovation Challenge Finalist